back end developer
· 5 min read
Have you ever run into a problem that could be solved by using off-the-shelf solution? You probably asked yourself is it a good idea? Maybe the problem is simple enough and you could just write a simple solution in a week. Let's take a look at when we should consider off-the-shelf component instead of a custom-made solution.
· 4 min read
Kotlin data classes have been an awesome language addition, so good that they were also introduced in Java 14 in the form of record classes. Kotlin data classes are a great choice to easily create Data Transfer Objects or Value Objects, but some of their features do not go hand in hand with JPA entities. Let's take a look at why, and why it's a bad idea to make JPA entities data classes.
· 5 min read
Retrospec on my journey of learning Java as a PHP developer. You might hear that - if you know any language well, learning another one is easy. But how many developers do you know switched their main language? Not so many, why? If switching is easy, we should have seen it more often. In this post, I would like to share my experience with switching languages.